Plug SHOOL & measure crop and soil stress within seconds

Satellite data to complement farm management

NEERX App for farm specific analytics & advisories
1. Simplified Farm insights
Colour coded stress maps and charts for the farm at each crop stage. Super Friendly and easy to use.
2. Take action
Manage your farm for Crop growth, Litre level irrigation, nutrient and accurate time window for spray application.
3. Alert and Notifications
Unique notifications and alerts generated based on farm condition

Insights in one place
Irrigation and Nutrient
Soil Moisture
Crop Water Deficit
Soil EC
Relative Yield Index
Soil Temperature
Crop Growth
Evapotranspiration (Dynamic Kc)
Growing Degree Days
Pest and disease prediction
Spraying Window
Leaf Wetness
Weather (7day & 48hr forecast)
Solar Radiation

Inching closer to next Global-ag revolution
Having accurate and up-to-date data can help make informed decisions that can improve the efficiency and sustainability for the agri industry.
About us
NEERX was founded in 2019 with the mission to solve climate challenges in agriculture. We are a multi-disciplinary team who enjoy building and scaling products.